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262 Pohutukawa Avenue
Ohope, Bay Of Plenty, 3121
New Zealand

07 312 5340

Your Friendly Beachfront GP's

Located right across the road from New Zealand's Most Loved Beach, Ohope Beach Medical Centre has a friendly, relaxed vibe.

Hear the lapping waves of the Pacific while you wait to be seen by one of our welcoming team.



Your Friendly Beachfront GPs

Slow Medicine: A Thoughtful Approach to Holistic Care

At Ohope Beach Medical Centre, we embrace Slow Medicine, taking the time to truly listen and address the root causes of health concerns. This approach aligns with our commitment to holistic and Positive Medicine, focusing on the whole person rather than just symptoms. By prioritizing quality over speed, we build strong doctor-patient relationships and support long-term wellbeing. Our care combines evidence-based treatments with lifestyle and prevention strategies, empowering patients to take control of their health. Slow Medicine allows us to provide meaningful, personalized care that fosters balance, resilience, and lasting health improvements.

Annual Flu Vaccination Program Starts April 1st!, click for more information.

 We are open for enrolments of new patients

Click here and fill-in the online enrolment form or come in to fill out a paper enrolment form